Sustainability at Mistwood

As a commercial establishment, we at Mistwood Farms feel a strong sense of responsibility towards our Planet. Our main goal is to make the horticulture industry cleaner and more sustainable. In order to do so we focus on the following aspects :

Rain Water Management

Water management – Mistwood Farms has a rain water collection and storage facility with a capacity of 10 million litres (1 crore litres). All the polyhouses are connected to this collection system and provide majority of the water required for the plants in the dry climate of Telangana. We constantly strive to minimise our dependency on other sources of water including ground water.

Solar Energy

Solar Energy – Most aspects of growing delicate Orchids are Energy Intensive. To minimise the consumption of grid electricity we use an extensive solar power harnessing system in our farm. In order to deliver the freshest products to our customers, we meticulously package and store our cut flowers in temperature and humidity controlled storage facilities which are powered using Solar Energy.